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Warning 2147137807 occurred at an unidentified location Possible reason(s): The PDO cannot be read because the master is not in OP or SafeOP mode.

Warning on cRIO running scan engine.  What does this mean?

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Message 1 of 5

Hi sachsm,


The error appears to be related to a low level problem with the EtherCAT driver. Are you connecting from your cRIO to an EtherCAT chassis? If so, what version of that that driver (NI-Industrial Communication) are you using?

Can you upgrade to the latest version of that? 


NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT 2.0


Otherwise, can you describe the rest of your setup? When do you receive this error?


Edit: It may be helpful to include the forum describing the setup (

Fred Visser -- SystemLink R&D -- National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

Yes I am running indcom ethercat v2.0.0 on my cRIO.  I believe the problem is related to trying to use a static IOV digital read at the same time I am also doing IOV reads using the dynamic IOV API.  Basically, I have a background process that is always running that transfers all IOV's to NSV's on the cRIO.  This is accomplished using the NSV/IOV API and it keeps all references open since this is a persistant task.  Recently, I changed some code in another process to read some of these IOV's using static nodes.  It was about this time that the problem started occuring.  Is this type of transaction on IOV's not supported?

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Message 3 of 5

It seems the scan engine was not in active mode when you tried to read a PDO. Can you tell which one, the static IOV or the dynamic reference was having this warning? Are you using the scan engine api to switch modes? Its probably not that difficult to get into this state if you mix your API s but in general it should be possible to mix them.



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Message 4 of 5

I cannot tell whether it was the dynamic or static node that blwe up. I do not manipulate the scan engine mode and always expect it to be in active mode.  Your statement that it would not be difficult to get into this state is VERY disconcerting.  I need a system that works 24/7.  Please advise.   BTW, what is a PDO?

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Message 5 of 5