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Waveform graph missing data

I am serial reading data from an xbee, and graphing it overtime. My graph appears that it is missing data., but I am not sure how, my baud rate is the same on the xbee and in labview.



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Message 1 of 11

You have OS P.C.?

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Message 2 of 11

Yes, windows 7 64 bit.

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Message 3 of 11

Your graph looks like there are zero values being plotted.  Is it possible that you are plotting "faster" than you are acquiring data?  For example, if you get data at 50 points/second but plot at 100 points/second, every other time you want to plot something you will have no data, which might give you a result of 0.  I notice that you have a "number of bytes read", but what happens if this is 0?  Maybe test for this condition and skip plotting the (non-existent) point.


Bob Schor

Message 4 of 11

 You have Win 7 64 Bit PRO or ULTIMATE (Not runing STARTER or HOME BASIC .....)

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Message 5 of 11

Windows 7 64bit Professional. 

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Message 6 of 11

I have no idea what all of the questions about your OS are supposed to be for. I would suggest you try Bob's suggestion.

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Message 7 of 11

I was wondering the same thing.  I havn't been able to find anything about a sampling rate on a waveform, is it as simple as putting in a delay?

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Message 8 of 11

What I was talking about was not doing a read/conversion if the number of bytes is 0.

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Message 9 of 11

Hello, I am new to Labview and I am actually running into the same problem. I have a number of bytes read funtion as well and my waveform runs from max voltage (3.3V) to 0 continuously. It s suppose to be an EMG single, so overtime you flex your muscle, there is suppose to be a spike in the waveform signal. I was wondering if you would give an example or a sample vi. to show what you mean by "Maybe test for this condition and skip plotting the (non-existent) point". 


Please Help. I have tried EVERYTHING but no success.

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Message 10 of 11