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Web Publishing Tool - Missing Embedded View

Hi all,


I am using LabVIEW 2022 and am attempting to use the Web Publishing tool. I would like to use the Embedded Viewing Mode to allow for remote control of my front panels, but that viewing mode option seems to be missing from my web publishing tool (screenshot included). I could not find anything online that would indicate this feature is excluded from LabVIEW 2022. Is there something I need to do to get access to this mode or is there something I may be missing?


Thanks in advance,


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Message 1 of 5

I have the same problem.  I am using LabVIEW 2022 Community Edition

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Message 2 of 5

Doesn't exist anymore with the deprecation of Silverlight by Microsoft. Right now the alternative is to build a web app and architecting a LabVIEW app to be able to communicate with the web app. If you're interested in looking at G Web you'll have SystemLink Tags and Messages available (without a SystemLink server, just NI Web Server) you can take a look at this example for an idea

Message 3 of 5

Thanks for your answer i got the same issue.


I want to use an old VI based on a Queued Message Handler. Since i dont want to convert to NXG for G Web i can only use the traditional Web Service to "view" my VI but not to control it?


My project would be used by students to remote control a test bench.

So if i want to remote control the test bench i have no other option than developing something with java and have LabVIEW communicating with it ? LabVIEW does not offer a full-on-solution anymore?


Thanks in advance.

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Message 4 of 5



i just discover the same issue with LV2023Q3 (i was previously using 2021SP1), and it's a pity that NI remove this feature !!!


I use it mainly to control app on cRIO target, and i don't want to spend too much time coding true web app ! Ni doesn't remember that many users are just scientists that have just to develop some instruments control app, with limited coding skill and not so much time to do it. THAT was the marvelous thing with the older labVIEW release. Sounds like NI wants to force users to switch to the G web development tool, as it's not free like the remote panel feature.

I was expecting this behavior from NI, since the the G web development tool release, but at the time the answers was no : we won't depreciate the remote panel soon...

If i knew i was right, i would not have bought many cRIO controller since that time !


I'm going to make the current systems live a few month or year with the 2021SP1 and thinking to switch to another platform for the future.



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