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What are the parameters and outputs of the activex methods relating to motor control?

I just started programming in Labview and am trying to automate the movements of 4 Thorlabs motors controlled by T-Cube DC Servo Controllers hooked up by USB. Since I have no experience with visual programming languages and have not been able find any descriptive method references, I am asking about the specs of the MoveAbsolute, MoveAbsoluteEnc, MoveAbsoluteEx, MoveAbsoluteRot, MoveJog, MoveRelative, MoveRelativeEnc, MoveRelativeEx, MoveVelocity, and GetPosition methods that are necessary for this motor control. Mainly, I'm wondering what constants, controls, or indicators are needed to be wired to certain inputs and outputs. I do not have any code to ask about, but I need to know how to connect the wires so that I can actually create a sophisticated program. All help is appreciated.

Message 1 of 13
All of that information should be provided by Thorlabs. There is a download page for their apt software that looks like what you should be looking at.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Their website does have the APT User software that I have been using, but now that I need to connect multiple motors' movements, I needed specific descriptions of the methods. I have not found said descriptions on the thorlabs site and the tech support recommended that I ask through NI. I found the LabView Help document's links, but it did not give me full descriptions. Any thoughts?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13
Why would NI have descriptions of someone else's software? If you were using an NI controller, would you ask thorlabs for help? I think their tech support just passed the buck.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

I'm asking about the activex methods in LabView so that I can at least partially write a program before annoying the Thorlabs people with questions about why it's not making their hardware work. I still do not even know the basics of wiring together methor parameters and outputs in LabView; I can focus on the equipment later in the testing process.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13
All ActiveX methods and properties are unique to the vendors code. If you want to see examples of other ActiveX programming, you could look at some of the Excel examples.
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

But those controls do not completely relate to the Labview visuals. And since I cannot access the computer on which I program right now, the only specifics (other than the reference and error inputs and outputs) that I can remember to ask you are IChanID (at least for MoveJog) and pfPosition (for the GetPosition method). Would you happen to be able to explain these parts of the methods and if they need to be defined with some connecting wire? I will definitely attempt to compare excel's activex to LabView's but for quick answers, it would be very useful to know what to wire the the methods.

Message 7 of 13

This is a problem I've come across as well. I'd love to know if you were able to find any documentation anywhere of these methods... I am currently trying to figure this out as well, and I'm not sure if these methods should be self explanatory. Are elements such as IChanID or bWait common to all LabView methods, or do they relate uniquely to the Thorlabs APT software? I'm new to LabView as well, and this seems to be a natural point of confusion.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13
As I said, the ActiveX methods and properties are unique. You need documentation from Thorlabs.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

Thanks, even though that's rather unfortunate for me. Upon further reading I believe I've found some information that could be useful to someone who is confused like me. I hope you don't mind if I leave it here in case someone else finds it helpful.


In addition to the Thorlabs APT programming tutorials, I've found that after installing the APTUser software and opening up the associated Help, there is some limited help provided in the form of much needed definitions. For example, they explain the homing process, and define a handfull of the methods such as SetJogVelParams, SetVelParams, SetJogStepSize, and SetBLashDist. There are also units provided (mm or degrees depending on whether the motor is linear or not) for some of the parameters they define. I also inferred that things such as IChanID are probably the channel of the associated Thorlabs DC Servo Motor Controller to which the actual motor is connected.


You're totally right in that this is a lack of documentation on Thorlabs' end. I cannot find a complete listing all of the methods and parameters avalable. Sorry to bother you so much.

Message 10 of 13