07-02-2024 12:46 PM
I wrote some clones to do the TX/RX but they seem to share the 2G/s max rate between them. I'm very new to UDP and I'm hoping there is a setting I am missing. Our end goal is to get 100G/s, but I am so far away...
For the test case, I'm using one computer (localhost), and have no concern about the packets that are dropped. This is a pure proof of concept speed test.
I've attached my project (LV 19 version). Any help is greatly appreciated
07-02-2024 08:07 PM
What Ethernet device are you using? Most Ethernet ports have a throughput of up to 1Gb/s only.
Have you tried NTTTCP for throughput testing?
If using UDP protocol communication, it is not capable of achieving the maximum throughput due to its large overhead for each datagram. The UDP data rate is also dependent on how fast the receiver clear out the receiving buffer. Reference: Benchmarking Network Performance of NI PXIe-8238 or PXIe-8240
07-04-2024 08:04 AM
What Ethernet device are you using? Most Ethernet ports have a throughput of up to 1Gb/s only.
I can confim, a stable 1Gb/s roundtrip is possible with Labviews udp opr tcp functions using 2 computers.
Good to know, there might be a 2Gb/s wall, when we move on to 10G Ethernet.
however I remember some some caveats with udp e.g. like manually trial and error the advanced intel network card options, using multiple ports when sending and receiving and also using using https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z0000019YLPSA2&l=en-US...)