07-11-2013 10:23 AM
I am surprised that I wasn't able to find a clear answer to this question anywhere, and I still feel like I must have overlooked an obvious answer.
Nonetheless, I have discrete time-domain signals (force and displacement for a spring-mass-damper system) that I am feeding into the Laplace Transform Real VI, with the intention of dividing the transformed force by the transformed displacement and making a second order polynomial fit of the s-domain data so that I can obtain the coefficients from (what I believe to be) a second-order force response. This all seems to be going perfectly well, but I have been working under the assumption that the Laplace Transform Real VI outputs an array that is in the s-domain, and not the time domain. Is this the case?
The Help page in the online Product Reference Manual (http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361J-01/lvanls/laplace_transform_real/) only says of the output, "Laplace {X} is the result of the Laplace transform as an array." However, the waveform chart shown as an example of the Laplace transform of Sin(t), for 0<t<6, also has its (unlabeled) independent axis ranging from 0 to 6, which is mainly where my confusion stems from.
Thanks very much for your help,
07-17-2013 06:54 PM
Hi THO407,
Looking at the help page you linked, it seems that the axis ranges from 0 to 6 because that is the interval of the function that is being specified.
"The following diagram shows the real Laplace transform of the function f(t) = sin(t) in the interval (0, 6). This is entered on the front panel as end 6.00 and X values of sin(t) for 0 t