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Where / how does LabVIEW store user-defined color pallettes?

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Hi everyone,


in order to introduce CI defined colors into our VIs, I entered all needed colors in LabVIEWs color dialog box by hand using the RGB codes just to find out, they had disappeared after the next start of LabVIEW. Is there a way (some kind of ini file) to make them available permanently?

Haven't found anything yet on the forum or in the help system.




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Message 1 of 5

Hi Oli,


colors choosen in the color dialog box are stored in LabVIEW.ini.


When you need color values permanently you should store them either in your VI (by creating constants or setting default values of controls) or in your own files…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 2 of 5
Accepted by Oli_Wachno

Yes there is.



the ini entry is in this format

colorUserItem="3D Object=BCBCBC;Control Background=FAFAFA;Indicator Background=D2D2D2;3D Active Object=969696;Text=000000;LED On=64FF00;LED Off=1E4B00;Thermometer Fill=FF0000;Slide Fill=0041DC;Slide Housing=6D6D83;Tank Fill=0041DC;Tank Housing=A9B3CB;Classic Object=B3B3B3;Classic Slide Thumb=3399FF;Refnum Wire=007F7F;Template Comment=91FBFE;Warn=FF7F00;DAQ=893900"


WARNING: Most of these colors apply to new vis, no change is made to existing vis however, "Coersions dots" apply to new or existing vis. Blink FG and Blink BG applies only to new vis.


Changing Some of those can be a royal pain.  For instance you would not want to remove "Control Background" and replace it with "Passed"


"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 3 of 5

Perfect, thanks a lot! Didn't dive deep into the option dialog. But I knew, there must be a possibility Smiley Happy


Have a good weekend!

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Message 4 of 5

@Oli_Wachno wrote:

Perfect, thanks a lot! Didn't dive deep into the option dialog. But I knew, there must be a possibility Smiley Happy


Have a good weekend!

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Message 5 of 5