08-09-2011 08:17 AM
The code I showed you was not designed to be paused since the Express VI doesn't have that capability. You can use a second shift register to keep track of the elapsed time. This is a pretty simple change. Try it.
If you're going to make this program any more complicated, then I suggest looking into creating a state machine, as previously mentioned. Application Design Patterns: State Machines
Also, why did you remove the Decrement function after the Array Size? There was a reason why it was there.
08-09-2011 08:28 AM
Question RE-ASKED here, along with solution posted: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Pause-While-Loop-disrupts-everything/td-p/1663942
08-09-2011 02:51 PM
I'm so sorry for having annoyed anyone. Double post will never happen again, I just wasn't sure if this thread was kinda "closed". Thank you everyone for the answers!
I'll keep studying and some day I might be able to help any of you 😉