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White Balance missing in NI MAX, only CameraAttributes Brightness, Exposure and Gain in NI MAX

Hi all,


I have:

- LabVIEW 2015

- mvBlueFOX-124C USB camera


My problem is that in NI MAX I see the CameraAttributes:

- Brightness

- Exposure

- Gain

but not the others like White Balance etc.


In LabVIEW I can control these three attributes.

Is there missing a driver or do you know what is the problem?

Thank you in advance!


Best E

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Message 1 of 10
Can you check by selecting Advanced settings from the View Options menu and see whether you can see the settings?
-if you are able to access in LabVIEW, then driver shouldn't be a problem.
-Posting NI MAX screenshot will help better.
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Message 2 of 10

I am already in the advanced view options. Thanks

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

-Can you post snippet of LabVIEW code showing the parameters?

-NI MAX was showing earlier other parameters or it was not?

-Can you check .icd file for camera manually and see if you can see the paramters? If you are using Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10, place the *.icd file in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments\NI-IMAQ\Data

-Delete above file and reconnect camera and see if it works.

-Did you try connecting to other USB ports?

-What is the IMAQdx and Vision Acqusition Software version you have? Do you have latest?

-Did you update Directshow drivers?

-Try resetting NI MAX DB and see if it shows?(

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Message 4 of 10


-NI MAX was never showing other parameters

-What do you mean with the .icd file? I also have no Data folder in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\National Instruments

-I put the USB in another port but it didn't change anything


-I don't know... where can I see?



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Message 5 of 10

I found the .icd file, but there are only the same cameraAttributes I see in NI MAX.


Does somebody has another idea?
Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Is this a USB 2 or 3 camera? What version of Vision Acquisition are you using? From my research it appears to be a USB 2 camera.


If this is the case, there is no standard for USB 2 and it is pretty typical that this few attributes show up due to this. If you can access the attributes you want to access through the BlueFOX software, I would make the changes in their software or use a call library function node in LabVIEW to call into their dlls. 


If it is USB 3 Vision, there should be an xml file in the same place as the icd file. Could you send me this xml file?

A Johnson
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Whatever parameters the camera supports for adjusting will be shown in MAX.

-The code which you sent doesn't show the White balance parameter.

-Try with LabVIEW inbuilt example Low level Grab with attributes and see if it shows(I am curious because you said you were able to tune these in LabVIEW!!)

-You can expand the Software Tab in MAX or use NI License manager to check what version of NI Softwares installed.

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Message 8 of 10

It is a USB 2 camera.

I am using the Vision Acquisiont version:

-VISA.NET Shared Components 5.6.0 (64-Bit)    5.6.0301

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Message 9 of 10

I have NI MAX Version 15.0.0f0.


My .icd file looks like this:



Type = 2
Version = 8

AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::Algorithm = "Bilinear"
AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::GainB = "1"
AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::GainG = "1"
AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::GainR = "1"
AcquisitionAttributes::Bayer::Pattern = "Use hardware value"
AcquisitionAttributes::BitsPerPixel = "Use hardware value"
AcquisitionAttributes::IgnoreFirstFrame = "false"
AcquisitionAttributes::ImageDecoderCopyMode = "Auto"
AcquisitionAttributes::OutputImageType = "Auto"
AcquisitionAttributes::OverwriteMode = "Get Newest"
AcquisitionAttributes::PixelSignedness = "Use hardware value"
AcquisitionAttributes::ReceiveTimestampMode = "None"
AcquisitionAttributes::ShiftPixelBits = "false"
AcquisitionAttributes::SwapPixelBytes = "false"
AcquisitionAttributes::Timeout = "5000"
AcquisitionAttributes::VerticalMirror = "false"
AcquisitionAttributes::VideoMode = "1600x1200 RGB32 4.68fps"
CameraAttributes::Brightness::Mode = "Manual"
CameraAttributes::Brightness::Value = "-10000"
CameraAttributes::Exposure::Mode = "Auto"
CameraAttributes::Gain::Mode = "Auto"



I tried to add "CameraAttributes::WhiteBalance:: = "Auto" ", but it didn't work.

I know that I only can control cameraAttributes in labView when I also can control them in NI MAX, so somehow I need to add these Attributes to NI MAX.

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Message 10 of 10