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Why do I get this error when running my executable?

Why do I get this error when running my executable? attached imagesErrores instalador.PNG


Errores instalador 2.PNG

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Message 1 of 11

Is the source code working fine? Are you running the Exe in the same developement PC where you have developed the code?


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 2 of 11


Yes, the code is working fine. No problem. Is the failing executable. I am using the same PC.



Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo 🙂
Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.
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Message 3 of 11

Hi Jorge81,


For Error 56 it may be the reason that 'bytes to read' should be at correct limit and make sure, before reading the data whether timeout elapsed or not.... Otherwise check here

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Message 4 of 11


Error 56 is now solved.

The problem is the other error
Do I have to add something here?


Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo 🙂
Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.
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Message 5 of 11

Are you calling the VI dyanmically? if yes then you may have to define a common path where both the code and the exe fetch the VI.


The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 6 of 11

Could you make me a simple explanation. I'm not sure I understand. how to do that? I am sorry. It is the first time.

Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo 🙂
Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.
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Message 7 of 11

If you are calling a VI dynamically:


  • Have the dynamic VI in a seperate folder (lets say the folder name "Dynamic")
  • Have this folder in the same folder where the Project file (.lvproj) resides
  • Where ever you call this VI use the primitive "Application Directory" path and then build the file path as "Dynamic/"
  • While creating the exe file go to the Destination and a create a directory name "Dynamic"
  • Then go to the "Source File setting" and select the "" and set the "Destination" to "Dynamic" (From the drop down menu)
  • Go to preview and check the "Dynamic" folder is created and the "" is inside that. Then you are good to go

The best solution is the one you find it by yourself
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Message 8 of 11

I understand. The problem is I'm not sure that (Although it is possible that it could be). My project communicates with solidwork (CAD design).
With LabVIEW I have no error. Run well.


When did the "Aplication.exe" and give to Run










Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo 🙂
Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.
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Message 9 of 11

After performing the executable.
The installer gives me the error I mentioned above this thread. Besides asking me for a file shared Libraries (*. Dll) and then gives me other errors.
and do not let me run the program.


If not well understood maybe you can make a video explaining

Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo 🙂
Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.
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Message 10 of 11