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Why is my shared variable client not operating correctly?

I am taking a stab at using shared variables for an application where I thought they would fit right in. I have test fixtures that I am trying to get to use common equipment. I wrote server and client VIs to test what I want to do with the shared variables. When I run the applications on the same PC they work great, that of course is the easy part. What I want to do is deploy the shared variable on one PC and have the others write and read to and from that variable to see if the spectrum analyzer is available for use. I cannot get away from the Error -1950679035 occurred at an unidentified location
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x8BBB0005) Unable to locate variable in the Shared Variable Engine.  Deployment of this variable may have failed.
I have been all over the forum looking for a reason why this is happening and now I am spinning my wheels. I have attached the project to be looked at along with the build properties for my applications. The only thing you might have to change to make this work is the location of the shared variable that the indicator and control on the client are binding to. If anyone has any idea what I am over looking it would be a great help. Thanks in advance for the help.
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Message 1 of 4

Hello Trosier,

I have a couple of questions for you:

1.  Are you running these programs as VIs or executables?

2.  If you are running them as executables, are you programmatically deploying your shared variables

3.  Where are your shared variables being hosted?  On the server?  If so, do you have variable client support installed on the client?

Let's start there - good luck and let us know if you have additional questions.

Janell R | Applications Engineer

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Message 2 of 4
The shared variables are being used in the run time environment and they are being programmatically deployed by the executable. The variables are being hosted on the first test machine. I am making the assumption that when you are talking about the support you mean the variable client engine included in my installer which it is.
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Message 3 of 4

Hello Trosier,

If you look at the Variable Manager on your host, can you see that the shared variable is being deployed?  If it is visible, that means that the variable is being deployed but your client is having trouble reading it.  Are all of the shared variables hosted on the same machine?  If you have variables hosted on both machines, you will need the variable manager installed on both machines.

We need to determine the location of the problem - is it that the variable is not deploying (can't be seen in the variable manager) or is it that the client is having trouble accessing it?

Janell R | applications engineer

Message 4 of 4