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Windows 10 style controls

Does anyone know if there's an effort to provide a new set of standard controls more in line with Windows 10?  I know there's a few 3rd party efforts (Here and here) but I'm hoping for something baked into LabView 2017.  I have to update soon and all my UIs look dated under Windows 10.

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Message 1 of 8

I've been gravitating toward flat controls and flat looking minimalist UIs which tends to look Googleish and Windows 10ish.  JKI released some flat controls here.


And drjdpowell on LAVA made a Flatline set of controls.


This combined with some flat looking icons from some place like this...


Makes for a modern looking UI.


That being said I agree that LabVIEW's native UIs look dated.  Sticking with system controls helps, but as the system itself uses less system controls, what LabVIEW thinks is system just isn't any more because or new non standard controls that we try to emulate.


I used to make system UIs, but then they changed what system UIs were.  Now my UIs aren't system, and system UIs seem weird and scary to me.  It'll happen to you...

Message 2 of 8

Thanks for the extra links!  Lots of 3rd party stuff out there, but little of it seems to be a complete replacement of the built in controls and indicators.  Perhaps there's a team within NI working on a new addition to the Modern/Silver/System/Classis built-ins.  One can only hope Smiley Wink

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Message 3 of 8

If you wait a week, you should be able to check out LabVIEW 2017 and see for yourself -- NIWeek 2017 is May 22-25, 2017.


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 8

You don't have to wait, there are links to 2017 in a few places on the forums. 


Here is 32-bit but it isn't official until next week, so NI probably won't support it, or recommend downloading it until then.
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Message 5 of 8

@Hooovahh wrote:



And drjdpowell on LAVA made a Flatline set of controls.



I've been really happy with the Flatline control set. It's also on VIPM which makes for an easy install!

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Message 6 of 8

I saw those flatline controls and was intrigued (They do look good).  Are they complete enough to simple drop in as replacements (I rely heavily on the stock chart, graph, and XY graphs)?

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Message 7 of 8

They include Waveform Graph, XY Graph, and Chart, although I think I've only used the XY graph so far.

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Message 8 of 8