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Windows 11, with a mapped drive in Explorer, will not access that mapped drive from within a build in LabVIEW

The basic application has been in service since 2005.  It has been upgraded and 'cleaned up' by a top tier NI Systems Integration house and there are 7 total sites using the software without issue.  This is the first site to have a laptop set up with Windows 11.  The application uses a mapped drive to save data to a job folder on the corporate server.  The drive is mapped in 'This PC' and there are no issues in accessing that drive and viewing the job folders.  The LabVIEW application, however, can't find it.  It is blocked from the application.  I know this is a Windows 11 issue and I found on line numerous users have these types of problems.  They have suggested making a change in the registry.  The location for the addition is: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.

It's the addition of a line called 'EnableLinkedConnections' and then adding a DWORD and modifying the value to '1'.  I have yet to have the end user free up to see if this works.  Anybody else experience this?

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My company hasn't moved to W11 yet so I can't answer you directly, but since it sounds like the problem is the fact that it's a mapped drive, could you circumvent the mapping?


Meaning, if you have mapped drive "X:\" mapped to "\\servername\serverpath" and you want to save to "X:\path1\path2", could you instead tell LabVIEW to save to "\\servername\serverpath\path1\path2"?


We already do this for nearly all network saves at our company because we've had too many situations where gremlins in the IT systems in the company result in drives not being mapped on logon or being dropped and not reconnected when left logged in for a while.


For the "EnableLinkedConnections" solution, a quick googling suggests it resolves issues with mapped drives being selectively visible for users based on whether or not they are running with administrator privileges.  Does your application run while elevated?

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