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Windows occasionally stop redrawing


Was the date that did show up being updated by a property node, or a wire? In our case, even when we updated the values of indicators (using wires), the page would not refresh, so sounds like it might be a related issue, but not exactly the same.

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Message 31 of 34

Just a nitpick but one which might have some serious impact depending on LabVIEW version and how often you intend to switch between the/a subpanel and your main screen. You use an Open VI Reference for the main screen but never close the reference. While the panel of course only can exist once in a specific application context (disregarding reentrant VIs, as that would not make sense for a main UI), the reference returned is at least in older LabVIEW versions (not sure about 2013) a unique object that consumes a small but nevertheless existing memory amount for every single reference. And if this VI is not called in the context of a top level hierarchy that is going to be idle after this, this reference stays allocated until you close your application (or LabVIEW runs into an out of memory/refnum situation which tends to terminate the application rather disgracefully).

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 32 of 34

Thanks for the comment 





0 Kudos
Message 33 of 34

Hi Wolfskill,


The time indicator is part of the a hype-cluster structure which contains various indicators. The cluster's value is written by wire.

The button seen near the bottom of the image is part of a different cluster of controls and its colour is updated by reference of course.

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Message 34 of 34