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Word Report Page Break

I'm trying to insert a page break in a word report.  The documentation on the "New Report Page VI" states that if I don't specify a bookmark, a page break is inserted at the end of the document.  This is not working for me.  Also, if I dig into the "New Report Page VI", it comes to the point where it is adding the break and the break type value is 0.  Everything I see says the a break type value of 7 is a page break.  I wonder if that is the problem.  I'm using Labview 2016.

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Message 1 of 4

I tried it and it works fine for me (LV2016, Office 2010). I agree it is odd that the break type value is set to 0, but since 0 is not a valid WdBreakType enum type value the Range.InsertBreak method is probably using its default value which is wdPageBreak. Can you show us how you're using it?



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Message 2 of 4

Can you detail how it is not working?



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Message 3 of 4

Here is a copy of the VI.



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Message 4 of 4