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XY graph plot line thickness



I'm curious if anyone else has crossed this issue before...I have 4 XY graphs that contains two plots each. One plot is raw data that is collected(solid line), and the other is a limit line(dotted line) for the collected raw data. It just so happens that my dotted limit line typically falls on a grid line, making the user unable to see the limit line. I decided to go ahead and make the dotted limit line thicker so I could see it when it falls on the grid line. What happened was completely unexpected, the line becomes thicker, but when I print the plots 2 out of the 4 graphs the grid lines have become much thicker. I am unsure if there is something that I've done wrong or if this is some kind of glitch. Attached are screen captures of 2 out of the 4 plots. One is a plot using the default line thickness, one is the adjusted line thickness(as well as the grid thickness error), and the third is a screen shot of the plots I see on labview during testing. Thank you.

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Message 1 of 4

What property nodes are you using? Would it be possible for you to upload a screen shot of those nodes?

Also, how are you printing the graphs? 

Shalini M.
Partner Development Engineer
Alliance Partner Network
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

 Hey Shalini,


Thank you for the response, I have attached a screen shot of the property nodes used for my XY graphs. I only use the property nodes to set the plot background color and value. As for my method of printing, I have it set to print automatically when the VI's executuion is completed.

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Message 3 of 4

I'm not sure why it didn't work for you, but it worked for me.  I've attached a trivial VI that writes "random" data + a constant.  I set the second plot to have a Thick (red) dotted line, and as the Front Panel screen shot shows, that' s what I got.  I then did a Print Window after the VI ran, and got a gray scale image that closely matched the graph, namely thin grid lines and a thick dotted line.

Test Graph Pring.pngTest Graph Print.png


Bob Schor

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