07-29-2017 06:32 AM
Hi Guys,
I have requirement to interface the Yokogawa ykwt500 Analyzer to a labview VI and write measurements to an excel file. I have downloaded the library files. How can I interface it with a labview vi? It's not an actual device. I just need to plug and play the driver and take measurements.
07-29-2017 12:21 PM
Hi Rishi,
Do you mean you downloaded these drivers?
If yes, you should be good to go. Unless Yokogawa has released some kind of device simulator, you probably can't do too much until you get the actual VIs. In the meantime, you can write code using case structures or conditional disable structures to run your program in a simulation mode, and then you will just have to integrate with your device when you get it.
07-29-2017 01:10 PM
Hi gregoryj,
I have downloaded these drivers. I'm just running a sample program to read the data. But, I'm not interfacing the device now. I wan to know if there is anyway to simulate the signal or measurements from this device without actually connecting the device.
07-29-2017 01:22 PM
Hi Rishi,
No, you cannot actually use the drivers until you have your instrument connected. For now, you can just use random numbers, or if you want to spend more time to make more accurate looking signals, but it will be whatever you feel like coding up.