09-10-2014 12:33 AM
the comand format is as follows:
this is the string I configured:
but the register for FineTuneFrequency(FTF) is signed 16-bit:
how should I write the register?? thanks!
09-10-2014 01:39 AM
09-10-2014 01:42 AM
duplicate what?
09-10-2014 01:49 AM
09-10-2014 04:09 AM
Right off hand I would say the code you are showing should work fine. The difference between signed and unsigned is not importance -- they are both 16 bits so the command packet should build the same. Just make sure the bytes get inserted in the right order.
09-10-2014 09:47 PM
it says the register for FTF is 16-bit, but I use 8-bit. I don't know if my configuration is right.......
09-10-2014 10:06 PM
09-11-2014 12:56 AM