05-21-2009 05:46 AM
I had have used the Al Acquire Waveforms in Labview 5.1 long time ago.
Recently, I try to use Labview 8.6 but I couldn't find the Al Acquire Waveforms.
So, I want to know which icon can be used instead of the Al Acquire Waveforms.
Thank you for your time^^
05-21-2009 05:54 AM
05-21-2009 06:26 AM
If it is, I already installed ^^
05-21-2009 06:44 AM - edited 05-21-2009 06:45 AM
No, it is not DAQmx and no you did not install it. The functions you are looking for are in the traditional DAQ driver. The link above is not at all appropriate. Look here from a couple of days ago. The exact same question gets asked extremely often.
You should be thinking about converting to DAQmx, though.
05-21-2009 08:58 AM
If you are using an old Daq board you can not use any NI-daq version. You have to find out which NI-daq who is compatible with your board.
Also see here http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/F185E098C7EC5A3486256D2E00691BB2