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any way to talk to command prompt without using system

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I had been using system the last few weeks to send commands to the command prompt and then bring the output back into labview. All of a sudden this week the vi is not working and I cannot even get an output from system when i send the same commands that I have sent before. I was wondering if there was any other way to send & recieve commands from the cmd prompt in labview without having to use system exec?

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Message 1 of 25

What happens if you send the command thru Windows interface?  Does it behave in the same manner?

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Message 2 of 25

Are you asking if I sent them directly into the command prompt? I send the exact same commands directly into the command prompt and they work just fine. That is the part that I do not understand? Last week it was working and then at the start of this week, the commands do not work through the labview vi but they still work if i manually enter them directly into the command prompt...

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Message 3 of 25

Sounds like your computer had a case of the Monday's.  


Can you share the code that makes the system call?  Are you calling custom code, Windows function, etc?  Was their an update over the weekend that may have affected the call?  

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Message 4 of 25

@KovAcevich7 wrote:

Are you asking if I sent them directly into the command prompt? I send the exact same commands directly into the command prompt and they work just fine. That is the part that I do not understand? Last week it was working and then at the start of this week, the commands do not work through the labview vi but they still work if i manually enter them directly into the command prompt...

What exactly are the commands and how exactly are you sending them to the systemexec?


Please attach your code

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 25

attached below is the problem area for my code. I am connecting a wifi module to a host network that I created and comparing the mac addresses to confirm that the module connects to wifi. sending that command in the vi calls up an app, wifi1vc that connects my module to the network. this works in the command prompt directly and it should work by doing it this way with labview (and it did just last week!) but it is not right now and I am pulling my hair out.

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Message 6 of 25

You don't have a path in your command line. Is the command you are calling in your default path?



=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 25


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Message 8 of 25

you have


cmd c/ wifi1vc COM12 edwtest sentine


shoulden't it be 


cmd /c wifi1vc COM12 edwtest sentine

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 25

Also you call out Com12, has the device possibly moved to another COM port?

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 25