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apogee camera

Hi Juda


your examples are usefull but my another problem is : this example like all of the example of LabVIEW write with Display but in my cod as you see in my first  post I use the Intensity graph and I do not know how can I change intensity graph to Display or use Display in my code!!


yes, I can acquire a single image but I want use binning also.


Best regards

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18



There is a VI in the Vision Toolkit called IMAQ Array to Image that transforms the U16 array to the Picture data type.


Does the binning display an error or how are you noticing that the binnin is not working?? 

Juan Arguello Director Support Services @NI
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

I use IMAQ Array to Image also befor and I attached my post and in  this program I have not error and my camera take picture but I can not see anythings in image Display , mybe because of my camera is 16 bit but I don t know really what is the happen!!

 about Binning : when I use that my image change to only half of the my Intensity Graph and I had not image as clear as befor.


thanks very much

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

Hola VSA


La resolución de Binning sirve para bajar la resolución de la imagén y sirve para eliminar algunos errores de la adquisición de la imagen. Y con referencia al "Image Display"  asegurate que este configurado para snapshot, de esta manera la imagen se queda en memoria. 


Lo que podrías checar también es verificar que en el vi "IMAQ array to image" lo tengas conectado a la entrada de 16 bits.



Jaime M
AE México
National Instruments

...porque soy de aquí y de todas partes; he venido en pos de compartir...
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18

Hola Jimm

what do I do that the image is not staying in memory ?

sorry I don not know spanish!!!


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18



The Binning Function does not improve Resolution in Fact it Decreases Resolution to reduce Noise in your image.


You need to configure the Picture Display to the "Snapshot" so the display maintains the image on the Front Panel


Juan Arguello Director Support Services @NI
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18


You told I need to configure the Picture Display to the "Snapshot", but my program have a loop and for every loop my camera s shutter opened and closed.

and you mean somthing like that,don't you?



0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

The Snapshot configuration is for the Picture Display Control on your Front Panel, this option tells the Picture Display to save the picture that the camera has taken on each iteration of the loop and maintain it on the display until the next image is captured. The way you want to capture the images and how fast you want to capture each image is configured on your code and you can change it to meet your requirements.



Juan Arguello Director Support Services @NI
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 18