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cRIO FPGA Module ID Table



I am trying to dynamically determine which C-Series cards are installed in my cRIO-9034 (The 9034 doesn't support reading the cards with the "System Configuration VIs" like newer cRIOs.)

I am using a FPGA VI which lists the module ID's of the cards, which I then use to figure out which model card is installed.


For example, I run the FPGA VI, and I get Module ID's as an array of U16:

  1. 28839
  2. 30544
  3. 30544
  4. 30544

When I convert those to hexadecimal:

  1. 70A7
  2. 7750
  3. 7750
  4. 7750

Which I know correspond to a:

  1. NI9263
  2. NI9238
  3. NI9238
  4. NI9238


However, I would like a table of all "Module IDs" which I can reference programatically and figure out the cards from.

NI provides this a "Help File (.chm)" at: which contains many of the modules, however, it is not up-to-date.

As an example, the NI9238 which I use isn't listed in this help file.


Can anyone point me to an up-to-date table of Module IDs and the corresponding model of card?

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

The c-series cards in the help file and their corresponding module IDs are:

NI 9201 0x70A4
NI 9201E with DSUB 0x749D
NI 9201E with screw terminal 0x749B
NI 9203 0x7129
NI 9203E 0x740B
NI 9205 with DSUB 0x712A
NI 9205 with spring terminal 0x71EA
NI 9205E 0x744B
NI 9206 0x71EB
NI 9207 with DSUB 0x74AD
NI 9207E with DSUB 0x74AA
NI 9208 with DSUB 0x74AC
NI 9208E with DSUB 0x74AB
NI 9211 0x70A3
NI 9211E 0x740A
NI 9213 0x7449
NI 9213E 0x743A
NI 9214 0x74EE
NI 9215 with BNC 0x7135
NI 9215 with screw terminal 0x70A6
NI 9215E with BNC 0x745D
NI 9215E with screw terminal 0x740D
NI 9217 0x712B
NI 9219 0x730C
NI 9219E 0x7441
NI 9221 0x70A5
NI 9221E with DSUB 0x749E
NI 9221E with screw terminal 0x749C
NI 9222 0x7445
NI 9222E 0x7446
NI 9223 0x74EC
NI 9223E 0x74ED
NI 9225 0x7383
NI 9225E 0x7408
NI 9227 0x7416
NI 9227E 0x744C
NI 9229 0x72FD
NI 9229E 0x741D
NI 9233 0x70A8
NI 9234 0x72B5
NI 9235 0x732A
NI 9236 0x732B
NI 9237 with DSUB 0x73A4
NI 9237 with RJ-50 0x71C3
NI 9237E 0x741F
NI 9239 0x71C2
NI 9239E 0x741C
NI 9263 0x70A7
NI 9263E 0x741E
NI 9264 0x72F6
NI 9264E 0x7447
NI 9265 0x712C
NI 9265E 0x7442
NI 9269 0x7415
NI 9269E 0x744D
NI 9375 0x7304
NI 9375 with DSUB 0x747A
NI 9401 0x7130
NI 9402 0x7328
NI 9403 0x7131
NI 9403E 0x740C
NI 9411 0x709D
NI 9421 with DSUB 0x712E
NI 9421 with screw terminal 0x709F
NI 9422 0x71CA
NI 9423 0x709E
NI 9425 0x712F
NI 9426 0x736A
NI 9435 0x709C
NI 9472 with DSUB 0x7132
NI 9472 with screw terminal 0x70A1
NI 9474 0x70A0
NI 9475 0x7377
NI 9476 0x7133
NI 9477 0x71CB
NI 9478 0x731A
NI 9478E 0x743B
NI 9481 0x70A2
NI 9481E 0x7409
NI 9485 0x71F6
NI 9505 0x71ED
NI 9505E 0x74A1
NI 9514 0x73CE
NI 9516 0x73D0
NI 9802 0x7134
NI 9852 0x71F3
NI 9853 0x714F
NI 9870 0x7305
NI 9870E 0x743F
NI 9871 0x7306
NI 9871E 0x7440


The c-series cards which are unlisted here and which I'd like the module IDs for are:



Would be very nice for someone at NI to respond with this documentation of their products...

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Here I attach a Strict Typedef of a Map from Module ID to Model # of C-Series card for the help file, with the NI9238 also included.

If I am able to obtain the remaining Module IDs which are missing, I will update this typedef.


(This was made in LabVIEW 2022 Q3)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

My list:

NI-9201 70A4
NI-9201 with DSUB 71A1
NI-9201E with screw terminal 749B
NI-9201E with DSUB 749D
NI-9202 with DSUB 788A
NI-9202 with spring terminal 788C
NI-9203 7129
NI-9203E 740B
NI-9205 with DSUB 712A
NI-9205 with spring terminal 71EA
NI-9205E 744B
NI-9206 71EB
NI-9207 with DSUB 74AD
NI-9207E with DSUB 74A4
NI-9208 with DSUB 74AC
NI-9208E with DSUB 74AB
NI-9210 78B1
NI-9211 70A3
NI-9211E 740A
NI-9213 7449
NI-9213E 743A
NI-9214 74EE
NI-9215 with screw terminal 70A6
NI-9215 with BNC 7135
NI-9215E with screw terminal 740D
NI-9215E with BNC 745D
NI-9217 712B
NI-9218 7757
NI-9219 730C
NI-9219E 7441
NI-9221 70A5
NI-9221 with DSUB 71A2
NI-9221E with screw terminal 749C
NI-9221E with DSUB 749E
NI-9222 7445
NI-9222E 7446
NI-9223 74EC
NI-9223E 74ED
NI-9224 780D
NI-9225 7383
NI-9225E 7408
NI-9227 7416
NI-9227E 744C
NI-9228 780E
NI-9229 72FD
NI-9229 with BNC 7368
NI-9229E 741D
NI-9230 77CC
NI-9231 7930
NI-9232 753F
NI-9233 70A8
NI-9234 72B5
NI-9235 732A
NI-9236 732B
NI-9237 with RJ 71C3
NI-9237 with DSUB 73A4
NI-9237E 741F
NI-9239 71C2
NI-9239 with BNC 7367
NI-9239E 741C
NI-9244 76E8
NI-9246 77E3
NI-9247 77B8
NI-9250 77EA
NI-9251 77E9
NI-9260 with BNC 7786
NI-9260 with mini XLR 778C
NI-9262 with DSUB 78B6
NI-9263 70A7
NI-9263E 741E
NI-9264 72F6
NI-9264E 7447
NI-9265 712C
NI-9265E 7442
NI-9266 788F
NI-9269 7415
NI-9269E 744D
NI-9344 77C5
NI-9361 777E
NI-9375 7304
NI-9375 with DSUB 747A
NI-9381 7642
NI-9401 7130
NI-9402 7328
NI-9403 7131
NI-9403E 740C
NI-9411 709D
NI-9421 with screw terminal 709F
NI-9421 with DSUB 712E
NI-9422 71CA
NI-9423 709E
NI-9425 712F
NI-9426 736A
NI-9435 709C
NI-9469 74D3
NI-9472 with screw terminal 70A1
NI-9472 with DSUB 7132
NI-9474 70A0
NI-9475 7377
NI-9476 7133
NI-9477 71CB
NI-9478 731A
NI-9478E 743B
NI-9481 70A2
NI-9481E 7409
NI-9482 76E3
NI-9485 71F6
NI-9505 71ED
NI-9505E 74A1
NI-9514 73CE
NI-9516 73D0
NI-9770 7827
NI-9775 7889
NI-9802 7134
NI-9852 71F3
NI-9853 714F
NI-9860 7661
NI-9861 747C
NI-9862 747D
NI-9866 7480
NI-9870 7305
NI-9870E 743F
NI-9871 7306
NI-9871E 7440
Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Thanks rolfk!


I am trying to incorporate your table into mine, however, I have a question:


For modules 9244, 9246, 9251, and 9482, you seem to have an invalid hexadecimal representation for the module IDs.

Can you please clarify the module IDs for them?


(Also, I realize that the typdef that I uploaded didn't preserve the information I put into it, so I will upload a string matrix instead)

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

I edited the table. Helpful Excel thought those numbers are exponential floating point numbers because of the E<decimal number> at the end. 🙄

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Awesome rolfk.

Several cards are still missing, but here is this list so far:

709C 9435
709D 9411
709E 9423
709F 9421
70A0 9474
70A1 9472
70A2 9481
70A3 9211
70A4 9201
70A5 9221
70A6 9215
70A7 9263
70A8 9233
7129 9203
712A 9205
712B 9217
712C 9265
712E 9421
712F 9425
7130 9401
7131 9403
7132 9472
7133 9476
7134 9802
7135 9215
714F 9853
71A1 9201
71A2 9221
71C2 9239
71C3 9237
71CA 9422
71CB 9477
71EA 9205
71EB 9206
71ED 9505
71F3 9852
71F6 9485
72B5 9234
72F6 9264
72FD 9229
7304 9375
7305 9870
7306 9871
730C 9219
731A 9478
7328 9402
732A 9235
732B 9236
7367 9239
7368 9229
736A 9426
7377 9475
7383 9225
73A4 9237
73CE 9514
73D0 9516
7408 9225
7409 9481
740A 9211
740B 9203
740C 9403
740D 9215
7415 9269
7416 9227
741C 9239
741D 9229
741E 9263
741F 9237
743A 9213
743B 9478
743F 9870
7440 9871
7441 9219
7442 9265
7445 9222
7446 9222
7447 9264
7449 9213
744B 9205
744C 9227
744D 9269
745D 9215
747A 9375
747C 9861
747D 9862
7480 9866
749B 9201
749C 9221
749D 9201
749E 9221
74A1 9505
74A4 9207
74AA 9207
74AB 9208
74AC 9208
74AD 9207
74D3 9469
74EC 9223
74ED 9223
74EE 9214
753F 9232
7642 9381
7661 9860
76E3 9482
76E8 9244
7750 9238
7757 9218
777E 9361
7786 9260
778C 9260
77B8 9247
77C5 9344
77CC 9230
77E3 9246
77E9 9251
77EA 9250
780D 9224
780E 9228
7827 9770
7889 9775
788A 9202
788C 9202
788F 9266
78B1 9210
78B6 9262
7930 9231

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Message 7 of 7