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case structure???load steps

Good evening!

I'm trying to increase the load to be applied to the load cell based on the number of revolutions made by the spindle of a machine of rotating bending test.

for now I'm able to count the number of revolutions made by the spindle.

I would say for example:

0-50000 Spindle revolutions -> 30 MPa on the load cell

50001-100000 spindle revolutions -> 60 MPa on the load cell


any ideas? send attached a screenshot of my program highlighted with the part to be changed.

can someone help me?

I'm not an experienced user so I hope I have been clear enough.

thanks in advance.



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Message 1 of 3


Just get rid of the race condition an wire the boolean to the case selector.  That local is bad news.


In fact you need to read up on Dataflow.  LabVIEW is a dataflow language.  You have nothing in that picture that enforces any order of operation.  The Local will be read and the case executed as soon as this diagram executes.  the DAQmx calls may be in any order

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 2 of 3

Hi Luca,


I agree with Jeff. You have to avoid to use local variables if you can directly wire the data wire, in order to avoid race conditions that will bring to unexpected behaviour.





NI Italy

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Message 3 of 3