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coerce numercal control

A numerical control does not let me start from an "irregular" number and coerce from there.  The numerical control rounds the number removing significant numbers. This is want I want
start 935.00625
stop 939.99375
increment is 0.0125000  coerce to nearest
LV does this whenever I enter the above
start 935.0063
stop 939.9938
increment is 0.0125
I appears to coerce to 4 digits past the decimal point.  I imagine other ways to work around this but thats more tedious.
Any ideas let me know.
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Message 1 of 3
The Properties dialog appears to limit the display to 4 digits to the right of the decimal point as you said. The control itself seems OK if formatted for more digits. Even though the Properties dialog rounds the numbers, it accepted the data as entered.

LV 7.1.1

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Lynn,

I verified your comments. Confirmed that the control itself behaves as I like.


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Message 3 of 3