04-26-2010 05:26 AM
Hello all..
I'm measuring the eigenfrequencies of an object. Using an impact-hammer and an accelerometer. AFter the measurement I want to compare the signals. Therefore I'm using the "frequency Response.vi" from the Sound & Vibration tool kit.
My question now is how is the coherence in this vi calculated. In literature exists a formula:
Sxx * Syy
for the coherence. For me this formula works for one singel measurement (signal of the impact-hammer and accelerometer).
In this vi for one measurement the coherence is allways one. In other posts it's written, this is by default. Why? Are you using an other definition of coherence?
I think in this vi the coherence is somthing like rproducability of the signal. But has nothing to do with the definition in the literature.
Is there any vi which calculates the coherence defined by the formula above?
Thanks for your help.
04-27-2010 06:21 AM
I think the formula used is the same in the literature.
Please see this link: