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compare text file to test system

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If you just want to put the System Name in the text file, then create a simple text file in Notepad which has the ID.  Then use Read Characters from File on the File pallette to get the text string.  You then have your System ID.


Yeah...but how do i compare the text file vs. the test sequence. 

if text = string of test sequence 1, or 2, or 3 or 4, then use test sequence...


ultimately at the end..

test sequence is the same as my old a control so that its an input to another subvi..


Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 22

Instead of using the TestStationID bit on the bottom just use one of these




i already used that in my code before..its not a good  idea because if i have new test system..i will have to edit my subvi and i have to go through validation again..its too much work...


Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 22



OK, so now there is a csv file you want to use.  As I said in my previous repsonse,  use the Read Characters from fiel (not read from Spreadhseet file) to read your TestStationID.txt file.  you will get a string output which is the ID.  Then search you csv column 0 for the matching ID.  The index is the row number to use to get all the other info from the CSV file.


yup, i understand the concept and everything. thats how i think of it. but i cant put it into code..


Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 22

Use the row number from your CSV file, or add a column to your CSV which has the sequence you want to use.  As I said in an earlier repsonse, you can update your ring text values, but everywhere the ring is will need to be updated, and it still doesn't address that if you add system 5 that should be configured differently, then you'll need to edit code.



Message 14 of 22

this issue does address the issue of adding the 5th system..

all i have to do is to have TESTSTATIONID.TXT in all sytem..each with unique name..

and in the SetupSystem.CSV, I just add 1 more into the file..

in this case. i am chaning the files, and not the code of labview..


with the way i used to do things. i would have to edit the code..

can you show me in diagram how would i implent the concept...

i cant seems to get the comparison right...

QA guy is coming back in 30 mins to make sure i make this changes...hahhaa..


Message Edited by krispiekream on 12-09-2008 02:50 PM
Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 22
Accepted by topic author krispiekream
Attached is the VI I explained to you to create.  It doesn't handle if the Station ID is not in the list.
Message 16 of 22
I have made a crude example. If you have a fixed number of tests this should work. Use excel for maintenance of the lookup table. Just ad computer name and test number into the file. Rember to check if 1d serach give -1, if this happends the computer is not in the list, and we have an error

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
Message 17 of 22

t06afre the code looks great...

but if i want to add the 5th system. i will have to go into the case and add them..

thats modifying the labview code...

 i think the excel file and text file is easier when it comes to validation...

we can state in the documents that we can do this if we have new system. 




Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 22
Matthew Kelton - your code looks great..
i think its exactly want i wanted.let me try it out on my code and see if its good.
Message Edited by krispiekream on 12-09-2008 03:21 PM
Best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 22
Sorry, here it is in 7.0
Message 20 of 22