01-10-2022 09:00 AM
Hallo guys, I need help with a project that evaluates measured data from sensor.
I need to compare each element of the array with the previous one, if the current value is larger then the pervious it will continue comparing until the current value is less than the previous one and it will print out the max Value.
in other words I'm trying to find the max Value of each peek in my measurements.
thank you guys in advance
01-10-2022 09:19 AM
This may be useful
01-10-2022 10:21 AM
Thank you sir,
I did it with this function
01-10-2022 12:26 PM
Hi Majd,
@MajdQaisi wrote:
I did it with this function
I don't think you should use an IMAQ (IMage AcQuisition) function to analyse a DAQ signal…
Why don't you use the "default" PeakDetector?
01-18-2022 01:11 AM
Ah Ok, I didnt know the difference, but now I used the default Peak detector and it works.
Thank you fro your help