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connecting LabVIEW to hardware sensors through myRIO



I am  an electrical engineering student in the senior year and my senior project is about monitoring and controlling the critical equipment in the industrials. the project contains sensors ( tempreture, missing phasing, vibration ) to control motors and transformers  and i will biuld those sensors with my team. i want to design a control panel for those sensor in the LabVIEW and i should use myRIO as  microcontroller to communicate between the sensors and the LabVIEW for recieving the signals from the sensors and send it to the LabVIEW to be shown in the control panel and then to have an action to cut the power for example.


my question is,


how to use myRIO and connect it to the LabVIEW and the sensors? what should i do? what should i have? for time being i don't have any information about this.. please provide me with all information that i may need.


can you help me brothers & sistors .. 






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

Start at the top of the link nyc provided.  One of the first links on that page is a bunch of sample projects that sound similar to what you're trying to do.


Make sure you get into the mindset that your myRIO is your target while your PC is your host now.  The sooner you can view the two as separate entities running different programs, the better you'll be.  Do you, or anyone in your group, have LabVIEW experience outside of RT/FPGA?


I'm trusting as an EE student you have programming experience.  If you don't have LabVIEW experience, you can use the experience you do have to translate ideas into a new language.  You might want to take a look at some of the beginner LabVIEW tips to get acquainted with the environment.

Message 3 of 13

thank you nyc for the link




in our universisty as EE student, we Lab courses where we can learn some basic thing about the LabVIEW but not RT/FPGA.. actually we are three student in the team and we distribute the work to one hanle the sensors and other one handle the LabVIEW and for me to handle the meduim between them to use the myRIO ..


i have to know how to connect the sensors to the microcontroller and send the siganls to the LabVIEW ...



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Hi Engineer,


i have to know…

Then you have to go through all those (free!) "Getting Started" tutorials offered by NI.

And yes, to have a program running on the myRIO you need to use LabVIEW RT (and maybe FPGA as well)…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 5 of 13

what do you mean Gerdw


go through everything ... that is too much ... i ask you brothers here becuase i want to know some key points to know what to do exactly ..


i mean


all totrials there talking about the realtion between myRIO and LabVIEW


so, How to connect the hardware sensors to myRIO board?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

Hi Engineer,


the project contains sensors ( tempreture, missing phasing, vibration ) to control motors and transformers

Sounds like some power is needed to be controlled here. Don't forget safety measures…


How to connect the hardware sensors to myRIO board?

That depends on those sensors. You need to provide more information…


that is too much

It's your final year before becoming an engineer and you claim "too much information I need to read/watch"? What kind of engineer to you plan to be?


all totrials there talking about the realtion between myRIO and LabVIEW

Because that's the main part of the work: reading values from your hardware, analyzing it and calculation output signals to fulfill your control task…

And also because LabVIEW is the IDE to create any programs running on those myRIOs…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
Message 7 of 13



It's your final year before becoming an engineer and you claim "too much information I need to read/watch"? What kind of engineer to you plan to be?


you'r right, i don't mean to claim .. 


Ok .. thanks i will share the drwaings of the sensors soon with you guys..

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

I want you to watch this video:


While you're watching it, think about the designers.  It's a group of seniors in college.  They learned about LabVIEW and the cRIO platform at the start of their senior year.  This was their senior design project.


You're complaining that it's "too much" for you, and three others, to have to connect several sensors to your myRIO.  The inputs are labeled.  The sensors all have manuals.  These are tasks you NEED to be able to perform without someone telling you how to do them if you want to be an engineer.


Really, you haven't painted a large picture of your project.  If your project is JUST to get measurements from these sensors using a myRIO, that should take an individual less than a week to figure out.  There are so many resources available that the task is trivial.  Have you looked at those examples?  Have you used the "Find Examples" in the Help menu?


In a few months, you're going to be starting professional jobs.  When you do this, you'll be expected to figure out tasks as basic as plugging a sensor into your device.  If you're unable to do this, you're going to find yourself quickly unemployed.  Break this "I can't" bad habit now.  It's a terrible habit to have.  It's a terrible habit to expect others to do your job for you.  If you don't enjoy a bit of a challenge, why are you looking at engineering?

Message 9 of 13

@Engineer34 wrote:


you'r right, i don't mean to claim .. 


Ok .. thanks i will share the drwaings of the sensors soon with you guys..

In just this short post alone, you have two spelling errors and incorrect punctuation and improper grammar.

You are not texting your buddies.

You are posting here to engineering professionals.

Your communication should reflect some maturity and professionalism.


Message 10 of 13