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controlling case structure from another loop



I am pretty new to LabView. I have two while loop in my VI. I would like to start my second while loop only after a boolean indicator goes high in the first loop, and then run both the loops simultaneously until stop condition is reached. I have tried using loop tunneling and included the second while loop in a true/false case structure. But the second loop never started when I ran the program. 

Someone please help !!! Thanks.

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Message 1 of 4

The reason your second loop never started was likely due to data flow. Code won't execute until ALL of your data has arrived.


There are several methods you could use for this. The simplest would likely be Occurrences.

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Message 2 of 4

Your desciption is not sufficient to troubleshoot the problem. Please show us your code.


What is "loop tunneling"? I am not familiar with that expression.


It might be more useful if you would tell us what you want to achieve instead of how you want to achieve it. What happens in the various loops? What is the purpose of the delay? What are the intended loop rates of the two loops?

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Message 3 of 4
As Christian says, we can't give specific advice without seeing your code. However it seems like you could perhaps benefit from going through a few online tutorials. After that, working with parallel processes, as I have shown, isn't very hard. Check the link in my signature.

The only real magic needed is being organized in your work and in your thinking.


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Message 4 of 4