07-29-2015 01:02 AM
Hi everybody
I want to convert 8-bit binary image to 8-bit grayscale image. Can some one help me please in NI vision how to convert the image back to grayscale after I did my thresholding by using 'IMAQ Local threshold' from a 8-bit grayscale to a binary image but the problem now I don't know how to convert it back.
07-29-2015 05:36 PM
As far as I know you cannot revert the process since when you created the binary image you applied a threreshold and you basically lose all of that information.
08-01-2015 02:06 AM
Dear Rscd
I multiplied a white image(255 value) on the original image. I get result. my image is grayscale now.
Thank you very much
08-03-2015 08:49 AM
Your image is going to be grayscale (U8) but is only going to have values of 0 and 255. What I mean when I told you that is not possible to return the original values of the image before the threshold. I am glad that now is working for you.