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crash LV2013 (Edit / Inport Picture to Clipboard)

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Try to "Inport Picture to Clipboard" with the attached picture (gif)


for me, LV2013 crashes.


Can anyone try and confirm this behavior ?


is this a bug ?


thank you  Smiley Happy



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Message 1 of 15

Crashed 2014 for me - guessing because of the animation.  I saved it from within Window Picture Viewer to a new file and then it imports without a crash.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15

ok, thank you Inertia


an handling as simple as this one should not be able to crash labview.


I think there is a problem, this kind of thing should not happen.


What thinks R&D team about this behavior  ? (thank you to them)


(sorry for the bad english, i do my best)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 15

Hello ouadji,


Thank you for posting this question.


I hadn't seen this before with any GIF I used at my side.


Some questions from my side:

- Is there anything special about how you created the GIF?

- Did you already send a Crash Log (to NI) that included the steps and the GIF?

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
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Message 4 of 15



Is there anything special about how you created the GIF? no,nothing special about this gif


Did you already send a Crash Log (to NI) that included the steps and the GIF? (no)


sorry for these few sentences in French, but it's much easier for me.

(Thierry C - Platinum Applications Engineer - NI Belgium)

My English is not good enough to explain all this



Non, rien de spécial avec ce gif, il s'ouvre sans problèmes chez moi dans l'aperçu windows ou sous photofiltre studio.

Il est cependant quasi évident que ce gif "comporte" quelque chose de particulier ... puisqu'il fait crasher LV, et pas d'autres.

Ceci dit, j'ai trouvé intéressant de signaler ce comportement. Si cela m'est arrivé, cela peut arriver à d'autres que moi, cela me semble évident.

Je ne trouve "pas normal" que l'on puisse faire crasher LV simplement par cette manipulation ... même si le gif comporte une anomalie.

Je n'ai pas envoyé de fichier "crash log", car je préfère cette façon de signaler un soucis de comportement.

Si cela est nécessaire, vous n'aurez de votre côté aucun soucis pour générer ce "crash log", puisque cette manip fait crasher LV également chez vous.

Vous n'avez jamais remarqué cela avant ? avec aucun aucun autre gif ?

oui, que  dire ? .... c'est un peu la caractéristique d'un bug ...  On ne remarque "rien" ... jusqu'au jour ou cela se produit. ("Le cas" sur un million s'est produit. )

Quoiqu'il en soit, faire crasher LV uniquement par cette manipulation, ne me semble pas une bonne chose. Ce, même si le gif comporte une anomalie.


bien à vous,




0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15

Hello ouadji,


Thank you for your quick feedback and the deeper explanation in French!

As you correctly noted our Belgian employees do understand French.


I will reply English to make sure other readers can also (partially) understand what is being discussed.


I think you might have misunderstood what I meant:

I am not claiming that this behavior is not a bug.

It does indeed seem to be a bug and a crash in this case is behavior that should not happen/occur.


However, I would still like to know is how the gif was created.

This can provide a better understanding of how the issue can be reproduced from scratch.

This also might provide valuable information concerning how the issue might be resolved.

Therefore I have the following questions:

- With which program did you create the GIF-file?

- Can you reproduce the issue with all the GIF-files created in this way?


Personally I had not encountered this type of issue before.

I also do not use GIF-files on a daily basis, so this might be why I have not encountered it earlier on.


Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
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Message 6 of 15

petite question :


comprenez vous le français à 100%, ou dois-je faire attention aux mots utilisés ? (mots, expressions, etc ...)



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

Hello ouadji,


Sidenote: My mother is half-French, (from grandmothers side) so reading non-technical French is not a problem.

I watched enough detetective series during my childhood in French . 😉


Certain nuances might not be fully clear if you use specific colloquialisms or very technical "only in French existing" terms.


I also guess you might have used some irony or sarcasm in your previous post concerning the definition of a bug.

I tend to double-check things when I am not a 100% sure if something was meant in an ironic or sarcastic way.


I just want to make sure that I get the complete scope of the issue, so that I can report it as completely as possible.

This will increase the chances of getting the issue fixed (or avoided) in future versions.

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 15

ok ...


ironie ? ... oui, peut-être un peu, ce n'était pas méchant, certainement pas ... mais pas de "sarcasme", ça non !

et je suis désolé si je vous ai blessé avec le ton de cette phrase. Ce n'était pas le but, réellement.

Toutes mes excuses !


bon ...


Pour être sincère, je ne sais plus avec quel programme j'ai construit (assemblé) ce Gif.

J'ai trouvé l'image "de base" sur le Net. Il s'agit de "Robby", le robot du film "planète interdite / forbidden planet 1956" ici  Smiley Happy

Je voulais me créer une image animée pour mon avatar. J'ai utilisé PhotoFiltre Studio pour construire chaque images séparément.

Ensuite, j'ai utilisé un programme libre, trouvé sur le net, pour assembler le tout. Mais lequel ? je ne sais plus !


Ce Gif est mon avatar sur le site de LAVA ... ici ... et il fonctionne parfaitement.

Je peux également ouvrir ce Gif avec " l'aperçu Windows" sans aucun problème (XP sp3)

Mais quand j'ai essayé de la charger dans le presse-papiers avec "inport picture to clipboard" ... j'ai craché LV, j'étais très étonné.


Je me suis dit ... là, cette image est particulière (elle comporte une particularité) labview ne supporte pas cette particularité.

Il y a donc dans labview, concernant cette fonctionnalité (inport picture to clipboard) ... une vérification qui n'est pas faite.


Je me suis dit ... je dois signaler ce genre de chose.

Peu importe le fichier ... corrompu, ou pas ... particulier, ou pas ... labview ne peut pas bugger pour une chose comme ça.







0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15

Hello ouadji,


Thank you for your feedback!


I also agree that independent of what goes wrong a crash is something you don't want/shouldn't happen in any software.


Do you have any other GIFs that show the issue?

Is there anyone else that has a GIF that reproduces the same crash when trying to import this?


I want to have as much examples as possible that allow me tor reproduce the issue.
This will allow me to create a "better" Corrective Action Request that gives my R&D colleagues a better insight of when this goes wrong.


PS: What should happen in the case of an improper/incorrect gif-file is the dialog you see when you try to load the GIF in attachment.

"LabVIEW could not import the picture. Possible reasons include:
-Corrupt file or invalid picture type.
-File used by another application.
-Not enough memory

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
Message 10 of 15