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current date/time issues

I am having trouble with the x axis on my playback mode waveform chart.  I need it to display the current date/time but all it does is add the time when i run it.  I am recording files saving them and wish to view them on the playback mode.  Is there a way to see the proper date/time?
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Message 1 of 7
Don't quite understand what you are doing. what do you mean by 'add the time when I run it'? How are you saving data and how are you reading it? Can you post the VIs that are doing both and also one of the files?
Message 2 of 7

When I run the vi, for example if the time on the chart is 8/31/2009 at 7:00am, when I run the vi it picks up from there so it may go to the next day even if I choose to play back yesterday's data.  As the record vi runs it is collecting data when i stop it, a prompt comes up to save it to a lo speed and hi speed file.  I save that file as the current date.  When i go to the playback vi and choose to play back the previous dates data, the current time will not show up.

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Message 3 of 7

Well, you are either not reading or writing the time data correctly. You not only have to write the time data to the file but you also have to read it and set the chart properties in order to display it. Since you chose not to attach any of the files, you just might have to figure this out by yourself.

Message 4 of 7
I can not attach the files because I am remote desktopping in to another computer.  this program is running on my boss' computer.  He just asked me to figure out how to change the date and time to display current.  but if you can not help thanks anyway
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Message 5 of 7

Sorry. There are so many ways to read and write data that any examples I give are liable to be no help at all. The only thing you mention is a hi speed and low speed and those sound like custom functions - not anything that comes with LabVIEW.


Get your boss to copy the files to your pc.

Message 6 of 7

Dennis Knutson wrote:



Get your boss to copy the files to your pc.

I have to second what Dennis wrote. We don not have enough information to help you.


So get that code posted and someone will be able to reply with sound suggestions.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 7 of 7