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current measurement with usb-6009

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Hi, My name is Hung and I'm student of Electrical Engineering..I'm doing a thesis project which using Labview and DAQ NI UBS-6009 to simulate function Generator, Oscilloscope, Digital Multimeter(DMM)... and now i'm simulating DMM. I'm success in measuring voltage and resistance which i use voltage divider method, but i met a problem when measuring current. The problem is use USB-6009 to measure current, it measure wrong value. I tried using the example acq 0-20mA Current but it still measure wrong value. So does NI USB-6009 support for measuring current? Is there a way to measure current using USB-6009? Please, help me. This thesis project is so important to me. Thanks you.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11
Accepted by Joebui



Since you are an electrical engineering student, I will show you how to learn the answers to your questions.


1. Look at the specifications for the USB-6009.  In particular look at the Analog Input specifications.


2. How would you measure current if you had only a voltmeter?  Use the same method with the USB-6009.  (Hint: Apply Ohm's Law).


General comment: When using any measuring instrument, always consider the maximum permitted values at the inputs so that the instrument is not damaged 

and the measurement is accurate.


Let us know how you do.



Message 2 of 11

In addition to Lynn's note:


When dealing with any signal acquisition, you should also consider signal conditioning.  If you do a search on signal conditioning (I think in the Knowledge Base) it will also talk about transducers and measurement methods.

Message 3 of 11

hello can any one help me out how to get VI plot using laser diode and resistor 10 ohm and i am supplying 5v volatge using usb6009


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11



You should start a new thread. This one is more than four years old and is marked Solved.


You need to be able to vary the voltage (or current) applied and measure both. The USB-6009 cannot supply enough current to get to the most interesting parts of a laser diode VI curve so you will also need some external circuitry, which will then need to be calibrated.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hi raoof,


infact you should stick with your original thread instead of hijacking old ones…


This has been discussed before!

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

You've hi-jacked a 5 year old post  (a very bad thing to do) and provided very little information.  Make a new post on the forum and please provide as much detail as you can about:

1) what you want to achieve

2) what hardware you have

3) what you have tried already to accomplish your task

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11


i didnt hijack any thing i post there because it related to my topic

1)my goal to plot VI graph bettween volatge and currrent

2) haedware i am using is usb 6009 and laser diode multipower supply 5 volt

3) i am confused with connections and how can build program to plot please  give me some idea i am very new to labview


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

@raoof wrote:


i didnt hijack any thing i post there because it related to my topic

1)my goal to plot VI graph bettween volatge and currrent

2) haedware i am using is usb 6009 and laser diode multipower supply 5 volt

3) i am confused with connections and how can build program to plot please  give me some idea i am very new to labview


Yeah, this is a highjack.  The thread has been marked as solved, which many people will then avoid the thread for helping.  Plus we have told you repeatedly what you need to do in your other thread (that GerdW already linked to).  Splitting the conversation usually just causes more confusion.  Please just keep it all in your other thread.  And explain to us exactly where you are now.  Did you make any progress at all?  What did you try?

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

@Joebui wrote:

Hi, My name is Hung and I'm student of Electrical Engineering..I'm doing a thesis project which using Labview and DAQ NI UBS-6009 to simulate function Generator, Oscilloscope, Digital Multimeter(DMM)... and now i'm simulating DMM. I'm success in measuring voltage and resistance which i use voltage divider method, but i met a problem when measuring current. The problem is use USB-6009 to measure current, it measure wrong value. I tried using the example acq 0-20mA Current but it still measure wrong value. So does NI USB-6009 support for measuring current? Is there a way to measure current using USB-6009? Please, help me. This thesis project is so important to me. Thanks you.


@Joebui wrote:

Hi, My name is Hung and I'm student of Electrical Engineering..I'm doing a thesis project which using Labview and DAQ NI UBS-6009 to simulate function Generator, Oscilloscope, Digital Multimeter(DMM)... and now i'm simulating DMM. I'm success in measuring voltage and resistance which i use voltage divider method, but i met a problem when measuring current. The problem is use USB-6009 to measure current, it measure wrong value. I tried using the example acq 0-20mA Current but it still measure wrong value. So does NI USB-6009 support for measuring current? Is there a way to measure current using USB-6009? Please, help me. This thesis project is so important to me. Thanks you.


Can u please tell me how to measure voltage and current using usb 6009...because im trying to measure secondary current of CT...please help me...this is very important to my thesis.  

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11