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cursor move events passing data to dialog

I have a graph where the user moves the cursor and then I pop up an easy to read dialog with the test number and test description in it.  I tried it with a regular dialog with reentrancy but it locks things up.  Is there a better way to do this?   

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Message 1 of 6

Hello id,


I'm not following your question. could you post a sample of your code that exhibits the behavior you are experiencing?



National Instruments
Staff Certification Engineer
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Message 2 of 6

Here it is.  A simple cursor move event calling a dialog and passing updates to it as the cursor gets moved.

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Message 3 of 6

Hi id, 


It looks like you're wiring a bundle into a bundle control, and not updating the button dialog anywhere in that code. 


You need to wire data into a control and then display it on an indicator. You should also do this inside the while loop, so that it continually updates. 



National Instruments
Staff Certification Engineer
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Message 4 of 6

I do not comprehend what you are saying about wiring into a bundle.  My event cases bundle/unbundle clusters in them.


I would use just an indicator but my indicator is too big and it would cover the graph so I want a user movable window with the indicator and not just a fixed front panel one.  




Could you please clarify what you are saying? 

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Message 5 of 6

Hi Id,


I have made a quick example of how to have another window display data to a user using queues. Please let me know if this helps.



National Instruments
Staff Certification Engineer
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Message 6 of 6