05-06-2007 07:57 PM
Thanks Ben,
I changed things a bit. I made it read the six centerline points out of a csv file and calculate both centerlines. Then I did a best fit sphere to give me the radius and centerpoint of the arcs. I'm using this with a model RR cad program. It can only represent the turnouts as two fixed radius curves. Then I write the centerlines out to a csv file and import them into the CAD program. Kind of crazy, but I'm building a library of the turnouts for the CAD programmer.
05-07-2007 04:57 AM
05-07-2007 11:17 AM
05-07-2007 04:45 PM
05-12-2007 11:50 AM
Nice work uncle!
DF wrote
P.S. It's good to see more people using LabVIEW for model railroading. I once implemented a DCC controller using cRIO. It was the world's least functional and most expensive DCC controller, but it sure was fun to do.
I have recently acquired a loaner of a cRIO that I was thinking about uisng to simulate the motion of the engine sound.
The idea was to use a standard locomotive sound track and mudulate the amplitude and phase to drive a couple of speakers under the layout (via discrete amplifiers).
I already know the position of the engine on my layout via sensors so I can then coordidinate my way-points with physical location and modulate the speaker drives accordingly.
I may not get to this soon because I have been tied up putting together a LabVIEW app for full scale rail wheel inspection. Its funny becuase the line between work and hobby gets rather fuzzy until I look at the scale. In N-Scale my weel sets are about the same size as the flaws I am looking for in the inspectiion.