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cut triggered data from a mass spektrometer, make average and combine



I connected a mass spektrometer to a DAQ (USB-6341). I get 3 signals on 3 pins:

1. ELM (the intensity for the masses)

2. Mass (the according mass for the intensity)

3. Tigger (changes if the mass changes)

I want to cut the ELM everytime the trigger appears (5V to 1V), make  the average of the signal and add them to a new array. But I don´t know how.

I started already but I don`t know how to go on.


Thank`s for your help



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Hello Hans,


the producer/consumer design that you used is a good pattern, the only thing is that the producer has to read two signals, which will be feeded into the queue. Otherwise you cannot separate the ELM and Mass signals in the consumer. I tried to run your VI, unfortunately the "Build QMS data Array" and "Untitled 6" are missing. Look for some triggering examples under NI Example Finder -> Hardware Input and Output -> DAQmx -> Analog Measurements -> Voltage.


Happy viing,


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