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daqmx error in start task -50103

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hello, i would like to acquire data from two lvdt.
i'm using a same programming for both lvdt.
the different with both lvdt is at input selection,
the error say at start task. i try to make a new
daqmx start task, but it also recall the same again as
another start task. could someone please help me,
so i can start measure both data using LVDT.
i also attached the program that i made.

labview version: 7.1
sensor: LVDT
connector: SCB-68
daq :PCI-MIO 16E-01
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Message 1 of 5
What you have to do is delete the second task and use one task with multiple channels. Use something like Dev1\ai0:1.
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Message 2 of 5
this means that i detele one and the use multiple input,
where do i can find the multiple input? i'm really new to this software
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Message 3 of 5
You don't have to find anything. It's already there in the program you have. As I said, you just have to specify multiple channels. You've got a physical channel control with Dev1/ai0. Chagne it to Dev1/ai0:1 if you want channels 0 and 1. If you wanted channels 0 and 2, you would specify Dev1/ai0,Dev1/ai2. You can also just click the arrow on the right side of the physical channel control and select Browse. Use Shift+Click or CTRL+Click.
Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author suffyzull
thanks so much,
now i have got what you meant
Smiley Wink
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Message 5 of 5