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Hello everyone,


Is it possible to use several File I/ (Excel format) in one Case structure (consisted of 3 or 4 cases and every case one data saving vi)?


Thanks in advance....

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Message 1 of 5

Why not?
You can open some files and store references.
Or you can work with one reference but write into file different data

Message 2 of 5

You said File I/O in excel format.. I can't get in tho:(


if you are using open file, you keep refnum and utilize when reading or writing function comes.

if you are using Write/Read Delimited, you can easily get array data from vi so no problem using in case structure.

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Message 3 of 5

Hi Mr. Jaylee,

I have attached two picture here. one is "water level measurement" another "ion level measurement". 2 separate "Write Meas file" has been used. the "ion level measurement" works good but didn't get any data in "water level measurement" file. Bother were "xlsx" format. 

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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author Chowdhury_Milon

In water level measurement you use "AND" function, and save to file  ONE element, not array (signal)

Message 5 of 5