12-02-2008 07:01 PM
12-03-2008 02:23 PM
I saw no one had posted, so hopefully this will help start some activity. Please see the KnowledgeBase article "Why Are My LabVIEW DataSocket Connections Updating So Slowly?"
12-03-2008 02:54 PM
12-03-2008 05:38 PM
Here is how I am communicating with my OPC tags. The Menu Ring on the left is for whoever is using the VI to be able to select 1 of 2 identical machines with hundreds of data points. The Ring is fed to a case structure with a shared variable constant. Each case contains the same list of constants with the exception of the library name is either 1 or 2. Those values are fed to Data Socket Read VIs and then converted into usable data which is then displayed on my indicators. Some questions: Will that data be read every iteration of the while loop or only the first? Is there a faster way to read from these Shared Variables? This VI is just one of many, which are all called dynamically from a "Main" VI. I need some help here. Before I made the leap from Static Shared Variables to this dynamic Data Socket stuff, sub VIs were nearly instantaneous. I must be doing something wrong, but what?
12-04-2008 02:04 PM
12-04-2008 02:08 PM
12-04-2008 02:09 PM
12-08-2008 07:24 PM
12-09-2008 11:43 PM