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datasocket opne fails with 1184 error accessing an OPC server


I'm trying to access an OPC server from a client using datasockets.  DataSocket Select works fine and provides the URL of the tag(s) I would like to retrieve. Using the provided URL I try to access the server with DataSocket Open, but I get the following error:

Error 1184 LabVIEW:  Path not found, FTP login incorrect, or no FTP write permission.


The  path should be correct as it is provided by the DS Select VI  and anyway is in the form:

opc:// where pp is the item I need to read


I'm working with Labview 8.6.1 on a WindowXP machine and I'm accessing another WindowXP machine where an  OPC server  Eldridge Engineering (Modbus TCP) is running. I'm even using DSC to access the same OPC server and it works (even if in this case  I have other issues that I hoped to fix with datasocket),  so I should not have problems with security issues.


Any help is really welcome



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8


When you open the datasocket there shoudl be an option called access mode, which you can change to Read only instead of readwrite.


Try this and let me know if it helps.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hi Amit,

access mode is read only, but I have the same behaviour.

thank you for the help



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
Hello gaetano_maron,

I had the same problem. It happens only by remote access to the OPC-Server. In my case the service "Remote-Registry"
(I'm german, maybe the english name is a little bit different) was not running on one PC. LabVIEW need to read in the registry.

Remote access to an opc-server is complicated, try to avoid it. Learn about DCOM.

Look at:
To get a hint to the reason of the problem I used the "NI Server Explorer 2.4.1" and "OPC Security Analyzer" Advosol.

Good luck

Message 4 of 8

great !!


with the "remote registry" service started, it works !


thanks a lot, and good luck for all the other users of OPC via datasocket...



Message 5 of 8

I had the exact same problem and starting the remote registry service on the server also solved it, thanks!

Message 6 of 8


Just the same problem but, after "remote Registry" enabling , I got an "error 42"....

Using a standard OPC client , it works....

Some suggestion?

Thanks in advance!

Luca Nitopi

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hello Luca, I have the same problem. Were you able to resolve it?



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Message 8 of 8