01-20-2011 04:07 AM
I have developed one automation software with good number of controlsa and indicators . i am not able to maintain the ratios of the controls and indicators for the different desktop resolutions.
I Designed the controls and indicators on resulotion 1280x1024, nad when i switched to lower resulotion the controls are not maintanable. I tried with grouping and locking also.
kindly help.
01-20-2011 07:55 AM
That is one of the toughest problems developers face. Due to variations in OS and graphics chip handling of displays, it is hard to make a "fits all" solution.
A simple, although not particularly elegant, way is to design the front panel to look good on the smallest screen. Then either center it or place it in a fixed location (like upper left corner) on all larger screens. On a very large screen your panel may tend to look like a little lost boat in a large ocean, but it will probably still be usable.
Another approach is to create several different UI VIs for different screen sizes. Then when the program starts it uses property nodes to determine the current actual mnitor size and selects the appropriate GUI VI.
01-21-2011 08:00 AM
As Lynn said, this is a nasty problem faced by all GUI programmers. The solution really depends on your program and what you need to show. I have documented one solution for one program here. While it does not handle the sorts of extremes you are handling, the techniques should be similar.
Another example you may want to look at is the NI-SCOPE Soft Front Panel. It does not scale the controls, but tries to maximize the area available for the plot. As a result, the main thing resizing is the plot. The controls just move around. If you have plots, this approach may work for you.
Finally, do not forget the large font issue. Vision impaired users will bump the font size to make things easier to read. A well designed program will be easily usable under these conditions. This will require active control on your part.
Good luck! If you have any specific questions regarding scaling particular controls or other such issues, let us know. You can scale most controls; however the method for doing so can be somewhat buried due to the high flexibility available to some controls (e.g. graphs and charts).
01-24-2011 09:24 AM
Thank you all for clarifing my doubts.