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digital sine waveform generation

I am trying to use LabView to generate a digital sine wave with a NI USB-6259 and am not sure how.
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Message 1 of 5
To generate a sine wave coming out or your multifunction DAQ M-Series device (6259) it will be easiest using the "simulate signal" VI wired to a DAQ assistant.
When you plug in your M-series DAQ device then you should be able to see it appear in the tree diagram on the left hand side of your measurement and automation (MAX) screen. This is where you can configure the hardware to the settings you would like and confirm it is connected correctly.
On the block diagram in labview select express>>input>>simulate signal from the functions palette. This will bring up a configuration dialoge box to select your frequency, amplitude etc. Next place a DAQ assistant express VI on the block diagram, this can be found in the same menu as the simulate signal.
This VI will also bring up some configuration boxes, you will need to select, generate signals, analog output, voltage. Next select your device which should be listed. This will bring you into a configuration screen so here you can set up just what you need. click ok and you will be left with two boxes, wire them together and run your program.
You should now have a sine wave coming out of the outputs to your USB device so just wire to these.
I hope this is OK, if you are looking for a more customizable task based program, what kind out outputs are you looking for and on how many channels?
Best regards
Graham Green

Sr. Product Marketing Manager

National instruments
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Message 2 of 5
Thank you, I will try this and post again if I have more questions.
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Message 3 of 5

I am trying to test a DAC and one of the things i need to test is send a clean digital sinewave.  Can someone help to generate a digital sinewave (DAC-16bits) using labview 8.2

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Message 4 of 5

Hi lizking,


There are examples for our DAQmx driver. I'm not sure what you mean by a digital sine wave but the information posted above should get you the sine wave you are looking for. Did this not work for you?




National Instruments
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Message 5 of 5