04-09-2012 01:12 PM
Are you simulate gas engine by labVIEW, it can show THA, THW, MAP, VTA such voltage, temperature, pressure, anh ignition map. I neet it can run on PC.without DAQ. Just simulator.
04-10-2012 09:55 AM
I have some mistake. When i click at Map it have to change to tab " MAP". why it has mistake. Can anyone help me?
04-10-2012 12:13 PM
Your enum constant doesn't match the enum that makes up the pages. The constant contains 5 items, your tab control contains 8.
You should make a typedef out of your tab control. Then use constants of that typedef anywhere you use a constant to change the pages. That way if you add another page, then all the constants get updated as well.
04-10-2012 07:21 PM
Thank you, I did, I use local varible. Righr click tab control chose cons.
04-10-2012 11:10 PM
I never said to use a local variable.
I said to make a type def out of your tab control.
05-23-2012 04:28 AM
i am a student of mechanical engineering and intend to undertake my final year project on employing ABS in motorcycles.
Does anyone have a line diagram or figure, theory or anything of the sort to help me know how to get started?
05-23-2012 02:31 PM
First, is it not polite to post a completely unrelated question to an ongoing thread. Start a new thread with your question.
Second, what you are asking is a fundamental part of engineering and, as such, is something which you should be expected to do on your own. Consult with your university librarian to learn how to do a literature search to find out what is standard practice for that specific field.
Third, this is a Forum for asking questions about LabVIEW programming. When you get to the point in your project where you need specific help with understanding how something works in LabVIEW, please post back here.
05-24-2012 09:45 PM
Thank so much.