07-14-2009 12:55 AM
I am setting up automation for my HP 8594A spectrum analyser so that it conducts an EMC radiated emissions test through LabVIEW. What I am trying to acheive is obtain trace data from the analyser and replicate this on a waveform plot. I have currently achieved communication through a NI GPIB-USB adapter and MAX using address 18. I have also developed a rudimentary program that sends HPBASIC write and read commands as attached. I have been using the manual to obtain several instructions and it mentions using M-format to obtain display data. some of these commands seem redundant they are automatically configured through LabVIEW. From the manual it states the following:
10 INTEGER A(1:401)
40 OUTPUT 718;"TDF M; TRA?;"
50 ENTER 718;A(*)
60 PRINT A(*)
70 END
This it states will setup the frequency range, arrange in M format and store in the computer and then print.
I am receiving numerical data and storing it in an array but I am unclear on how to graph it as it appears from the display. I am using ver 6.1.
07-14-2009 06:59 AM
07-14-2009 07:50 PM
07-14-2009 09:03 PM
Yes, the driver is used to establish communication between the pc and instrument but it's not at all obvious that is what you have. For one, the driver converts the binary trace data into floating point numbers. Your code did not do that nor did it display the data in a graph.
Someone with LabVIEW 7 (not me, unfortunately), can save the driver to version 6.1. Having the driver will probably save you some time.