01-25-2006 10:07 AM
03-13-2006 07:53 AM
Did anyone solve this problem for Matlab 7 and LV7? I tried changing all kinds of things in the former solutions, and the best case is "Error in call library function node", while the worst case is a segmentation fault.
I created a function foo that multiplies by 2, and created a c wrapper function that converts the matlab variables. for generating the c code I did: >> mcc -v -W lib:foolib -c foo.m
For generating the dll I did: >>mbuild -v foolib.c foo_wrapper.c foolib_mcc_component_data.c foolib.exports
The dll is created and is recognized by Labview, but that's as far as I got...
I would really appreciate any help or examples.
03-15-2006 12:17 PM
03-16-2006 05:17 AM
Thanks for the suggestion, but I think that for this option matlab has to be installed on every computer that I wish to deploy my labview vi to. That's why I am looking at the .dll option.
Thanks again
03-17-2006 10:54 AM
03-20-2006 07:57 AM
03-21-2006 08:11 AM
Attached are my files, including the dll and the vi that I used to test it. As of now, it doesn't work. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be great.
The c files were created using: >>mcc -v -W lib:foolib -c foo.m mclmcrrt.lib mclmcr.lib (I added the libs because I saw that microsoft visual c++ can't find these libraries, but I don't know if it actually helps. Without them it doesn't work either).
The dll file was created by adding the line func_wrapper to foolib.exports and >>mbuild -v foolib.c func_wrapper.c foolib_mcc_component_data.c foolib.exports.
I am using matlab7 and LV7, windows 2000/XP (both).
Labview recognizes the dll and the function func_wrapper in the dll, but it throws an error when executing.
Thanks very much to everyone
03-21-2006 01:04 PM
03-21-2006 01:13 PM
03-27-2006 08:15 AM
Sorry, for some reason I thought you had matlab. Attached are the dll's - I hope that I included all of them.
Thank you very much!