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double clickable multicolumn listbox

The listbox has a very nice feature where you can read what line the user has double clicked on, however for some strange reason no such feature seems to be available for the multicolumn listbox...(?)

I could use several listboxes, arrange them to look like a multicolumn listbox and write code to mimic how rows are higlighted in a multicolumn listbox, but that would look messy.

Anyone have a neat solution to this?
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Message 1 of 3
"mads" schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Create invoke node from your multicolumn listbox in the Diagram window. With
the right mouse button click on your multicolumn listbox -> creat -> Invoke
Click ones more with the right mouse button on the Invoke Node -> Methods ->
Get DblCk Row. Now you can use the duoble click function on your multicolumn

good work
Message 2 of 3
Spent a fair amount of time trying to figure answer to doubleclick/multicolumn listbox. Thankyou
Where is the best written source for this kind of info?
Again, thanx so much
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Message 3 of 3