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dynamic data to string conversion labview 8.6



I am currently trying to use the peak search from the sound and vibration analysis tool kit. However, I'm unable to convert dynamic data to string or if that is possible at all.  Ideally, I want to find the max peak and frequency corresponding to it. When I used the peak detector, it wasn't giving me the right indices. 


Thanks in advance! 

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Message 1 of 3
You can use a number to string conversion. What is the exact data type that you are getting?
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Message 2 of 3

I actually figured it out. I did use a number to string. Thank you. I'm almost done with my VI except I'm trying to do a 3d plot, which is quite tricky. I believe that a frequency vector must be created to feed the vector into y. I've attached my VI, but I'm not certain as to what 2D array goes into z.  It's amplitude anad ...?


I'm trying to graph time, frequency and amplitude. time on the x, frequency on the y and amplitude on the z axis. 


Thanks in advance. 

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Message 3 of 3