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edge detection with mouse event



I tried to adapt the edge detection example to my program but the while loop freezes the screen. I have a 3D image array and i can choose which image i want to see thanks to an event structure. I would like to be able now to work on the image.


I wanted to use one of the ROI tools (drawline) but i can't handle different types of events : a changed value to choose the image, and a draw event on the image which doesn't need an event structure but a while loop checking if there is a change every 5 ms.


I think that i should deal with the draw event with an event structure but it means I lose all the advantages of the ROI tools...


I attched my Vi (it is not working, i must change the frame number to get information about the profile...).


Please help...i am really stuck!

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Is it possible for you to attach the real VI not just the print screen ?



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