10-14-2024 03:45 AM
Buenas estoy haciendo un proyecto de fin de grado con una camara de vision en el ordenador y estoy bloqueda y no soy capaz de apagar el led de acceso concedido/acceso denegado a los 5 segundos. Adjunto foto por si alguno me podria ayudar a resolverlo el resto funciona perfecto solo que estoy bloqueda con el apagado.
10-14-2024 04:29 AM
Hi Lydia,
@Lydia024 wrote:
Hello, I am doing a final year project with a vision camera on my computer and I am blocked and I am not able to turn off the access granted/access denied LED after 5 seconds. I am attaching a photo in case someone could help me solve it. The rest works perfectly, except that I am blocked with the power off.
Where are you "blocked"?
Does the while loop stop iterating when you press the "Stop (F)" button?
What happens when you debug your VI (using highlight execution)?
Does the case structure execute?
10-15-2024 02:14 AM
Hi, everything works correctly, just I'm starting to learn Labview and I don't know how to set the ACCESO CONCEDIDO and ACCESO DENEGADO booleans that appear in case to turn off after 5 seconds. I will load the VI for you to see.
10-15-2024 04:26 AM
Hi Lydia,
@Lydia024 wrote:
I don't know how to set the ACCESO CONCEDIDO and ACCESO DENEGADO booleans that appear in case to turn off after 5 seconds.
Right now those LED indicators will be set AFTER the loop has finished.
When you want to set those indicators WHILE the loop is running then you need to place that code INSIDE the loop…