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error 1 occured at an unidentified location?

sir ,
i am facing an atypical error in my vi, the image of the error is attached to this mail , while pressing stop button its says that error  1 has occured at some unidentified location in the vi  , and also that the ni -488 , the gpib controller should be incharge of the controller please explain me what is this error , i request you to rectify this error in the digtal
vi is digital
error is error1.bmp
Deepak Kumar
M.Tech , Power and Energy Systems
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Message 1 of 6
Hi Deepak,

The error 1 mesage you were seeing was caused by a SubVI that the simple error handler calls when you wire the Enum control into it.
I have modified the code a tad, so you should not see that error message, but instead a more informative message that tells you where the error occured, and will also stop the loop on an error.

Hope this helps you

NIUK and Ireland
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Message 2 of 6
sir ,

i  made a vi that runs two pm dc  motors for a finite duration of time and there is overlap period in which both the pm dc motors run simultaneously ,the vi is able to do the task but  the following error is appearing 4 times in the middle of the cycles . i have attached the error.1 jpg and the program , please rectify the vi .

why is  that this error is appearing so commonly , could u tell me where i am wrong , so that i will rectify myself and learn from that .

please also send me a vi using daq max how to acquire analog input data for more no of channels, say 4 or 5 channels at a time synchronized and simultaneously .i tried to acquire two channels analog input from two tacho generators , but i am am not able to read the data as it is vacillating , please suggest me how to read  the correct values of the tachos , because noise is also adding up to the signal and even though mean of the dc signal is taken , i am not getting the correct result . if the value of the tacho is 6.5 volts after the  data acquistion is done the readings in the graph are ranging from 5.5 to 7.5 . how can i acquire the correct reading . please guide me .

thanking you


Deepak Kumar
M.Tech , Power and Energy Systems
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Message 3 of 6
Hello Deepak,
Error 1 seems to be caused by the enum constant wired to your Simple Error Handler, when I delete, right-click and select Create >> Constant and re-wire the constant to the VI, I don't see the error anymore.  How did you create the constants that are wired to your Simple Error Handler?

As for you other question, I would recommend looking at some of the shipping examples under Hardware Input and Output >> Analog Measurements.  To read from multiple chanels, you set the physical channel to Dev1/aix:y where x is the starting channel and y is the last channel in the scan.  What do you mean your signal is vacillating?  That makes me think that you don't have a good ground.  Make sure that you have your signal wire correctly to your terminal block.  Refer to your user manual to make sure you have done that.

Try deleting the enum constants on your Simpler Error Handler VI and let me know if that clears your errors.

Micaela N
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 6
hello Mr.McKala(DE)

the first problem of error one is already solved, please have a look at the rectified vi's attached for ur question , sir i need help on another error called error 3 which i have attached with my prevoius mail , u have replied for the error 1, please have alook at the vi and the jpeg file attacted to this reply , its a atypical error that is appearing continously , when i run the vi this error is appearing and i press continue  to move ahead .

regarding the signal acquisition , sir  i have articulated about the noise that is also being added up to the analog signal , please suggest me on how to acquire a dc signal correctly without any noise and perfectly synchronised for more than one channel . i.e reading the tacho generators outputs .

thanks for replying


Deepak Kumar
M.Tech , Power and Energy Systems
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0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Hello Deepak,

It looks like you have two posts open, I believe this question is already answered in this one.   Please keep the same question to one forum in the future.

Thanks! Smiley Wink
Micaela N
National Instruments
Message 6 of 6